Seeking to LIVE and LOOK like Jesus.
Seeking to LIVE and LOOK like Jesus.
We are so glad that you have found our site, and hope that we will see you around on a Sunday soon. We truly believe that God is at work at Creekside in new and exciting ways, and we are stepping out in faith to follow Him as He leads. Please reach out to us with questions about your first visit, or any other questions you may have. Grace and peace to you!
We often hear people ask what "kind of church" we are. This could be hard to nail down. We are a home for people in every season of life, who are looking for a place to grow and to help others grow as we seek to Live and Look Like Jesus.
The Acts of the Apostles: The Story of the Early Church. How God worked in and through the men and women to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth!
2180 S. Interstate 25
Castle Rock, CO 80104
(0.5 miles south of Crystal Valley Pkwy. on the East side Frontage Rd.)
We gather for corporate worship, prayer, and teaching on Sunday mornings at 9:00am & 10:45am
We have a large paved parking area, as well as an overflow parking dirt lot. We also have handicap and new visitor parking!
We love the next generation at Creekside! Childrens classes are provided during both services for newborn-5th grade. In Nursery: kids sing songs, do crafts, and most of all hear from God’s word on a weekly basis! Kids who are K-5th grade will stay in the service with their family until the sermon; at which time they'll be released to class, and their teacher will meet them in the foyer. All of our Creek Kid volunteers are background checked and trained.
Worship services at Creekside aren’t geared toward a specific demographic of people, but are instead meant to support authentic worship of the triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We enjoy music from all generations and engaging sermons directly from the Word of God. Not everyone expresses their worship in the same way, some will raise hands or clap, others will not. We simply desire each person that enters into worship with us to be authentic in their expression. At times we will set aside time on Sunday morning to pray together. If you are uncomfortable praying out loud, it is totally fine to simply listen and pray silently. We do not pass any sort of offering plate or basket. There are designated boxes hanging on the walls in our foyer, and we invite those who choose to give to do so there or online.
We have ministries for every age! Click here to see all the ministries we have for your family here at Creekside.
Click here to fill out our community group sign up form and one of our pastors will contact you! We have community groups that meet depending on location, stages of life, with and without childcare.
Contact us at to get involved with serving at Creekside!
What is Creekside up to?
We are aligning ourselves with God's vision for our future, committed to discipling the generations of today and tomorrow.
Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, we look forward to seeing you around on a Sunday morning!