Starting Point
Starting Point
March 30th, 10:30am-1:30pm
This class is a great opportunity to learn and ask questions about our church. This class takes place during and following the 2nd service. Childcare and lunch are covered! This serves as the first step of membership at Creekside.
Care + Counseling
A Biblical Response To Destructive Heart Issues
The Care + Counseling ministry invites you to come and learn more about a variety of issues that distract and throw us off from pursing Christ fully. You can choose to attend all of the classes, or as few as one. Once you sign up, we will be sending you more information on the particular schedule, and the plan for those with kids in Creek Kids. This class will take place during the 9am service (9am-10:15am).
1st Wednesday
April 2, Dinner at 5:30 and Worship at 6:30pm
1st Wednesday is an opportunity for our church family to come together for fellowship over a meal, followed by worship and prayer. This is always such a refreshing time to encourage one another, spend some time in prayer, and worship together as a church body!
Women Helping Women
April 5th at 10:00am, Our Father Lutheran Church
Christian World Outreach invites you to a women's brunch on April 5 at 10 am. Sponsor a table of 6 or purchase individual tickets by March 31.
Eggcellent Adventure
April 19th at 10:00am, The Pinnacle At Crystal Valley
We are so grateful for the Disciple Makers that currently serve and teach in Creek Kids every week! As we continue to disciple children in Creek Kids, we need passionate, dedicated individuals who feel called to walk alongside the next generation. If you are not currently serving in a ministry, would you please consider being a Disciple Maker? One great way to get involved with Creek Kids is to help meet a need at our upcoming Eggcellent Adventure on April 19. Sign up with the link below!
Forged - Men's Retreat
May 2nd-4th, Friday Evening - Sunday Morning
Come out to one of the best weekends of the year! Our men's ministry culminates our ministry year with the Men's Retreat. This year we will be looking at the work of being FORGED into the men that God calls us to be, studying the lives of Joshua and Caleb. In addition, we will have time to enjoy the rustic confines of The Ponderosa while participating in some of the activities that guys love most.
Creekside Merch
Check out our Creekside Merch shop to buy hoodies, hats, t-shirts, and more!